Online Jhummandi Nadam Watch Full Movie Review & Download Free  Film Poster And Telugu Story Somehow, the fruits and navels aren’t the problem any more. In fact, there are so few of them in Jhummandi Naadam that you’re wondering whether this stuck-in-the-’90s script could seriously have done with some more horticulture and body show, to lend it some damned personality.

No one’s doubting the fact that Raghavendra Rao has his strengths – most of which revolved around building up intense drama while drawing out some memorable performances from his cast. However, it is hard to imagine him connect with an audience that is increasingly being exposed to slicker screenplay, edgy camera work, smart-ass dialogue delivery, and on the whole, younger issues. Indeed, Jhummandi Naadam looks like a farce of everything that you can think of.

The story revolves around the dreams of Balu (Manchu Manoj), a small-town bloke who is in the city to become a really big singer. His bachelor pad is right opposite the home of a school principal Rao (Mohan Babu), who hates him and who he hates with equal fervour.

Rao’s friend’s (Suman) daughter Sravya (Taapsee) lands from the US to make a documentary on the musical heritage of Telugu land, and needs a helping hand. Because of the awesomeness of his talent, Balu is picked by Sravya as her music guide, and Rao has to grin and bear it.

As Balu and Sravya hit it off well, Rao tries separating the couple, because he is protective of his best friend’s daughter. Soon, Balu has to sacrifice his love for his career. How the two get together, how the love for music triumphs against all odds, how the younger generation “proves” itself, well, you know the rest of the story by now.